Monthly Archives: January 2017

A Moment in Brad’s Brain

Sometimes I have very stoner-esque “whooooooa” thoughts. They are usually silly and/or dumb, so of course they must be written down!

I was just listening to a podcast in which one of the hosts talked about how they don’t buy physical media anymore and instead purchase everything digitally. The phrasing they used was something along the lines of, “All my movies, music, games are delivered to me as data.”

This got my dumb brain thinking, “You know, if you really stop to think about it, I’m not really listening to a recorded conversation right now. Sure, on the surface I am, but what I’m really doing is processing computerized data through my sensory perceptions in a way that makes it seem like I’m listening to a recorded conversation. And if something in the digital code got altered or messed up, then this recorded conversation would become distorted or disappear entirely and I would no longer be interacting with it.”


Admittedly it’s not the most deep or novel concept in the world. In fact, it’s probably something we’ve all thought about before and then pushed aside as the daily trek through life jammed more immediate and pertinent thoughts into our heads. But since it hit my brain in this instance and was a fun little thing to think about for thirty seconds, I figured I’d write it down.

Maybe if I have more of these silly, dumb thoughts in the future, I’ll catalog them here. I suppose we’ll see.